Julia Ducournau's first feature film, “RAW”, is unlike any coming-of-age film you've ever seen. Young Justine is following in the footsteps of her parents and older sister by going to veterinary school. Justine has been vegan all…
Veggie Fiend
For Birmingham vegans, Veggie Fiend cakes are a dream come true. This Halloween, NuFlesh asked the incredible baker and chef behind Veggie Fiend, Amber Slanders, to create the cake of our nightmares. A terrifyingly accurate…
The Lure
“The Lure” has been one of the most talked-about films of the past year, but it has just begun making waves in the US. Polish filmmaker Agnieszka Smoczynska's musical about man-eating mermaids is bound to…
The Other Side of the Witching Hour
British filmmaker, Tavarna Garvey has many different titles. She is a writer, director, devout Tumblr user, and a collector of vintage horror paperbacks. However, after seeing her short film, “The Other Side of the Witching Hour”, I…
I always grew up thinking pumpkin carving was a long and difficult process that took skill and concentration. My cousin, who was close to my mom’s age, always emphasized this and so this was how…
Family Reunion
Her stomach corseted beneath the waves of fabric, a wrinkle folded in and out like an envelope encasing her abdomen. The sun filtered through the screens around us, as if embalming everyone to their wicker…
DoReMe and Carey Fountain
As a Rapper, Producer & Visual Artist, Carey Fountain combines his talents to challenge the human perspective and encourage individuality. “I am the founder and content curator of DoReMe. One man team, Fountain explains. “In…